Thursday, April 19

Don't trust in THEY, trust in HIM

As Jeremy and I were finally able to sit down and recount the excitement and wonder of yesterday's adoption hearing, after he arrived home from work in the evening, we were just laughing at all of the "impossibles" that were blown out of the water with Levi's adoption into our family.

Here is a short little list of what "they" say and how God showed his power and love for Levi and for us by displaying that He does what He wants to do - in His way,  His time, and for His purposes.  You don't need to be stuck or trapped by what "they" say.

  1. They say that there are no infants available to be adopted out of the foster care system.  We hear this regularly in our area.  Maybe you hear this too.  Well, I'd call the nine month old baby boy that was placed with us last summer an infant. 
  2. They say that it takes 2-3 years to adopt children out of the foster care  system.  I'd say that just under  10 months is shorter than that.  
  3. They say it's near impossible to adopt a child who falls under the Indian Child Welfare Act.  I'd beg to differ.  We are not an indian placement preference family. 
  4. They say that foster - adoptions are a nightmare.  Ours was a heavenly experience.  Each case is an individual, just like people. 
While I know that some involved in adoption and foster care have nightmarish experiences... but you can't expect that to be the norm.  God does what he wants to do.  You can't trust in the "they say" statements.  You just can't.  God is beyond any man-made limits and guidelines.  We've experienced this first-hand.  If God is asking you to step out in faith into the seemingly impossible?  Take the step, my friends.  Step!

And throw the "they say" statements out, and trust the "He said" ones.  They're the only ones that can be trusted. 

Isaiah 55:9

For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so are my ways higher than your ways
    and my thoughts than your thoughts.

4 comments on "Don't trust in THEY, trust in HIM"
  1. We are not an ICWA family either, and our adoption was a breeze. Took a year for everything to fall in place, but it did.
    If we do this again, I can think of a few things we can do to make the process faster.

    God knows!

  2. I needed to hear that! Thank you.

  3. I've heard a lot of "they" pronouncements, in different venues. "They" supposedly is The Expert. I've never been introduced to "they". Sure swings a lot of power for being so anonymous.

    I've tried to figure out what drives "they". Is it jealousy? Fear? Desire for power? Simple chronic negativity? Unbelief?

    All I know is what "they" usually has to say is discouraging, anti-fruitful, and diminishing.

  4. Hi Amanda,
    Great reminder. Often times I forget to trust in God and instead, put my trust in something/someone else. It never works, and my trust always gets broken in one way oranother. YAY for Levi's adoption being finalized!!! Thanks for sharing.
    IN Christ,


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