A couple weeks ago, I invited our neighbor over to do something crafty or food related with the kids and I. She loves to bake with kids, and we just hadn't had the chance to make that happen! We picked the day, and she wondered if we'd want to make sugar cookies and that she'd make the dough... I immediately agreed that we would, since me and sugar cookie dough don't mix. I don't ever plan ahead enough time to let the dough refridgerate, or maybe I'm just too impatient to get the show on the road. So I never make them. She volunteered to make the dough and bring it over all ready with her when she came.
The day arrived, and our dear neighbor showed up on our doorstep with cookie cutters and dough in had, but was feeling too sick to stay. Sad! But this mama was so thankful to be able to jump right into a fun activity with the kids (while the littles were napping.) We rolled and we cut and we baked those yummy cookies right up. Then the next day all of the kids, littles included, got to frost and sprinkle to their heart's content.
It was Gabi and Levi's first cookie decorating experience. I'd say they liked it. And I liked this sugar cookie dough being delivered to my front porch business as well.
I'm linked up today! Go to Chatting at the Sky's Tuesdays Unwrapped: HERE.