Monday, October 29

just for fun

38 weeks pregnant
June 2012

2 weeks old
July 2012

4.5 months old
October 2012
 I just love progression photos...  wow, what a difference 4 months makes!

I had the idea, today, to take another photo of Emmalie smooshed against my stomach... she's still so tiny (one week ago she weighed 10lb 15oz) but look how much bigger she is than at 2 weeks of age!  And I look smaller, that's a good thing, for us postpartum mamas, isn't it? 

The sun is shining immensely today, and I've got three little ones napping and four bigger ones out on a lunch date with Grandpa.  I feel spoiled in this moment.  God just knows exactly when I'm needing this kind of encouragement.  And boy, do I need it lately! 

Friday, October 19


After several weeks of 3-5 hours of sleep each night, and trying days homeschooling and wrangling toddlers on little sleep... these videos are exactly what I've needed to see. I'm making a difference in a life. I don't want to sound overly dramatic, but I'm drained and have been thinking constantly about how God sacrificed his Son for me, and it's the least I can do to spend myself for others.


Thursday, October 18

precious 4 month old

Emmalie Claire is 4 months old, and she's so precious it hurts!

I'm not getting much sleep lately, I'll write more on that later, so blogging has dropped down on the priority list... but it seems that gone are the days of little Emmy sleeping 11 hours straight.  Waking up two or three times a night is more the fashion now. 

But this little one is worth it, we're trying to figure her out - and in the meantime, I'm working to be content whatever comes. 

Wednesday, October 10

Morgan's Big Day

Our firstborn daughter turned 8 on September 22nd! 
We are so thankful for and proud of our sweet Morgan Felicity. 
Morgan is a super duper big sister to the three younger girls and to her litle bro too.  She is nurturing and kind, with a hefty dose of fun and games thrown in for good measure.   
Happy Birthday to you!!!


Saturday, October 6

the best laugh I've had in a long time, watch out for the dreaded "Mom Jean"

A few weeks ago, a friend of mine told me about a blog post that she found that speaks to the dreaded "Mom Jean" and what it does to your girlish figure. See for your self!  And have a good laugh while you're at it. 

Mom Jeans and the Dreaded Long Butt

Friday, October 5

the sibling bond

As a mom, there are several things that warm my heart, but one that is at the top of my list is my children loving and caring for each other.  I am thankful for how they are building compassion for others, and have hearts to love and serve. 

I love to hear my older children talk about the day when they too will adopt. 

I love that they are all smitten with babies. 

I love when they want to hold, read to, and play with their younger siblings.  Morgan was adamant that she be the one to sit with and hold Levi while he was feeling under the weather the other day. 


It makes all of the crazy not so crazy.  And all of the weak in me revived. 

God does that with his gifts to us. 

