Monday, April 16

A Day in the Life coming soon...

I've always enjoyed reading those all day long documented "Day in the Life" sort of posts... you know the ones that make you feel tired just reading them? Well, I'll attempt to document real life on a Monday for you tomorrow from my waking to Jeremy arriving home at dinnertime. I'm actually curious to read it myself. What really happens around here all day?

I'll probably be more exhausted reading it later, than actually living it... but here goes.

Don't worry, I'm not going to add in some awesome art projects, or crafts, or cooking with the kids, or service projects... just real.

 Just an everyday Monday.

We'll see how it goes. And how many timeouts the two little ones get. This will be fun!

And if after you read my post after the day is done, and you feel like either pitying me or putting me on a pedestal?  Don't. Please don't do either.  I'm just a girl that  has been given a mission.  A God-given mission like you have.  Whatever that may be.  And it is good.  Very, very good. 

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