Thursday, August 30

my daily must-have

At the moment I'm having to eat sugar, dairy, and grain free.
The same as I had to last summer for four months on a candida cleanse.  I felt fantastic and all of my symptoms disappeared - but when I got pregnant last fall, I couldn't even look at another egg or another salad due to nausea.  So I stopped cleansing... and all was well until I had to be on two courses of antibiotics in the pregnancy...  Awful, since they wipe out all of the good yeast in my body.  Bad news for a gal that just worked so hard to get rid of the bad, and replace it with the good.  (probiotics)
So anyway, I knew I'd have to cleanse again after the pregnancy.
All was well until Emmalie turned two weeks old. 
Then thrush hit.  So awful. 
I knew the cleanse was my only hope. 
I've been eradicating it for the last 9 weeks via anti-fungal prescriptions and the the diet, which was added four weeks ago.  The thrush is amazingly better, but if I have as much as one cookie, it flares up.  And it's awful.  So no sugar for me, it feeds those bad sorts of yeast.  For a girl who is working on self-control with sweets, this is forcing me to stay away.  And it's not so difficult when you HAVE to. 
So I'm eating lots of eggs, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, beans, and meat/fish.
It's good for me, and I feel great eating this way.  (Though get-togethers are hard, as is eating out.)
But each day, I get out my blender and make a smoothie that makes me feel as if I am having the most decadent dessert around.  Here's my recipe for a:
Chocolate Banana Smoothie
1 banana (fresh or frozen, but peel it first before freezing)
1 T cocoa powder
2 cups milk (I use unsweetened coconut)
2 T almond butter (I can't have peanuts right now, but I'm sure it'd be yummy with peanut butter.)
sometimes I put in unsweetened coconut flakes
cinnamon to taste
2 T ground flaxseed
ice (about four cubes, not needed if banana was frozen)
I seriously make one of these each afternoon.  It's my no guilt treat. 
Speaking of no guilt treats, check out some of these recipes:
7 comments on "my daily must-have"
  1. You had me at almond butter. I mean, I was intrigued at the Chocolate Banana Smoothie title, but SOLD when I saw one of the ingredients was Almond Butter. So I went straight to the kitchen to make one (excepting the flaxseed, which I don't have), and... YUM!

    One of my favorite snacks is greek yogurt with coconut or almond extract, almond butter and honey drizzled over the top. Delish!

    Thanks for the recipe!

  2. I tested systemic for yeast after having 4 babies and the doctor giving me bags of antibiotics during delivery as a "precaution". I have been fighting candida for 5 years. The paleo diet has really helped which is similar to the diet you described so I am hoping it will help you as well. Thanks for the recipe:)

    1. Oh man, so sorry you've been fighting this too, and for so long! I had great success with Black Walnut Hull tincture.. but can't take it while lactating... I'd recommend this brand! Hope you find relief soon.

  3. That is one of my favorite smoothies! Although I call it a shake because it sounds naughtier! I found this book Feast Without Yeast 4 Stages To Better Health by Bruce Semon, M.D., Ph.D. and Lori Kornblum at a used bookstore. I am sure your local library would carry it. Anyway I love all the recipes in here as they are normal and do not have weird ingredients. It is all soy free, all yeast free, mostly milk free, mostly wheat free, mostly egg free, and everything I have made has turned out great. I don't eat yeast free specifically but was more interested in the milk, wheat, and soy free. Check it out if you can.

    1. Thank you for the book recommendation! I found it used for cheap - thanks a bunch.

  4. Sounds delicious! Keep up the good work!

  5. Thank you so much for this recipe, Amanda! I've made it a couple of times now - YUMMY, and guilt-free! I had to make a couple of substitutions this last time (co-op is in two days and we're OUT of lots of stuff!): instead of almond butter I just threw a handful of almonds in my VitaMix...and I used raw pumpkin seeds since we're out of flax seed. Thanks again!


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