Today, I'm saying goodbye to facebook. And I'm happy.
Earlier today, I was pondering all of the things we've said goodbye to as a family that were truly us saying hello to something different and better for our family. And it made me remember that goodbye is sometimes better, no matter how hard.
Here are some examples of things we've said goodbye to since we were married thirteen years ago:
That's just a smattering of choices we've made that we feel honor God, and draw us closer as a family. And I'm so excited to get on with life in the slow lane.

Earlier today, I was pondering all of the things we've said goodbye to as a family that were truly us saying hello to something different and better for our family. And it made me remember that goodbye is sometimes better, no matter how hard.
Here are some examples of things we've said goodbye to since we were married thirteen years ago:
- Television was shown the door in our first year of marriage, before our first baby was born. We were wasting too much time watching meaningless shows, and we were both sick of it. There was plenty of junk on TV back in 1999, but it pales in comparison to the filth that is allowed on network television today. Jeremy had grown up without a TV and it was still sort of a novelty to him, and I had grown up as a TV junkie, so we were both happy. So we thought. The decision to disconnect the TV was an easy one. We have had a TV for the purpose of watching DVDs ever since we unhooked television service, and we love that. We love watching good movies together. With television, you just never know what you're going to get. Is there going to be a commercial splashed across the screen with a woman in her underwear? Is there going to be a frightening movie trailer? Is a show going to be chock full of language? Saying goodbye to the TV was the beginning of several good choices we made together.
- Another thing we've said no to is a matter of living within our means. We live in a state that offers an abundance of fun, outdoor pursuits. But those fun, outdoor pursuits cost money. Lots of it in our case, as a family of nine. We could choose to go into debt to outfit our family into skis, snowmachines, four-wheelers, hiking and climbing gear, fishing gear, bikes, boats, ice skates, etc... but we choose not to. Not because we don't want to participate in those activities, (because we really do) it's because of principal. We despise debt. In turn, we spend more time at home, which isn't a detriment by any means. Do I sometimes feel we're depriving our children? Yes. Even though I truly know we're not. But living within our means feels so much better.
- We've also said no to the run-around lifestyle. We have lots of kids, that naturally want to be in lots of activities - but there is no way I'd stay sane trying to run several kids to several different activities in a week. We choose differently. We savor our time as a family, and have dinner together each night. If an activity is for more than one kid, it's seriously considered. For instance, it's looking like our three oldest will be able to be in the same swim class that meets once a week this year. Perfect. We don't want to race our days away, and the most important lessons our kids could ever take are learned right here at home.
- As I've said goodbye to facebook, Jeremy has made a choice to stop playing computer games. They were something that he'd spend a lot of time on in spurts. He'd play a game for a few weeks until he finished it, and then not at all for a few weeks. But me being on facebook, and him spending time on computer games was NOT the example we wanted to be setting for our children. And there was an unspoken (and sometimes spoken) annoyance at each other for these habits. They had to go. We didn't talk about it together and decide we were both going to give something up. It was a separate decision we both made that happened to coincide this last week. And we couldn't be happier. I'm so proud of him, and he's so proud of me. God has been changing our hearts even more so toward our children, and we don't want to miss out.
That's just a smattering of choices we've made that we feel honor God, and draw us closer as a family. And I'm so excited to get on with life in the slow lane.

I think there's such wisdom here, Amanda.
ReplyDelete(I loved your recent post about how to spend your time, too.)
Blessings to you and yours as you seek Him first!
Thank you, Stacy!
ReplyDelete<3 Much love to you. I'll be keeping up with your blog.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your inspiration of my leaving too. I deleted my account last night. Now, just not to log in just because I know it's still there and least for up to 14 days and then it'll be gone forever :) I'll keep up with you here and hopefully some visiting time and maybe even coffee on occasion...that would be nice!
ReplyDeleteI only have 2 kids and activities had to be shared. This mean choosing Taekowndo over ballet. Later is was fencing over track. Then we chose drama club over fencing.... son became a drama club tech person so his sister could be in plays... especially since up to that point, the boy's activities had won out. There was no way have both kids in activities on opposite sides of town.
ReplyDeleteHow are you doing away from facebook? It feels so good to be off of there! I'm quite surprised that I've had no desires to log back in...which is good. Before when I deactivated, rather than deleted my account, it was so easy to log in when I wanted to, when I needed a fix...but this time is different...I DON'T want to be on there :) Yeah! Hoping it's the same for you ;)
ReplyDeleteHi Misty! I'm doing really well about from fb, but it's amazing how many times, on autopilot, I start to go there in my brain after checking my email. I love my time away so much. I deleted my account, so in 10 more days or so it's GONE. I feel much more engaged with my family!
DeleteI feel the same way and I've been so much more productive around the house getting chores feels so good :)