Friday, October 4

{Day 4} Gossip - Proverbs 26:22

{Day 4}

You may not like me for posting this today. In fact, I may not even like myself for posting this.

And that's okay because we all need to hear it. Plus, I don't need you to like me. But I do need to speak truth.

The truth is -- we gossip. We tell tales. We're information junkies.

We love having the inside scoop on a situation. And admittedly, we like it when there's a juicy little morsel tucked inside. Something scandalous. Something worthy of re-telling.

I know this won't surprise you, but the Bible has a lot to say about this.

The book of Proverbs is full of one-liners that have the ability to punch you right in the gut. Right where we really need it sometimes. Today's verse is one of those sorts:
Proverbs 26:22
22 The words of a gossip are like choice morsels;
    they go down to the inmost parts.

Source: Creative Commons; AnnieAnniePancake
I think we all know we shouldn't gossip. We do. But we've become really good at disguising it as the sharing of information between caring individuals. Or as a prayer request. Seriously.
And the thing is, we know when we're gossiping, and when we are earnestly trying to help.
 There's a difference. And we know it. But we twist it all up in our minds in an attempt to convince ourselves it's okay.
If the person we are talking about were sitting at the same table with us, would we tell the story in the same way? Or would we spruce it up a bit, to exclude the embarrassing parts? Perhaps maybe we wouldn't tell it at all.
Gossip infects, oozes, and multiplies.
It is never healing or beneficial to the hearers ears.
It is always harmful.
Next time you're tempted to over-share another person's story, imagine them listening intently in the next chair. This just might just cure us all.

Proverbs 11:13

13 A gossip betrays a confidence,
    but a trustworthy person keeps a secret.

2 comments on "{Day 4} Gossip - Proverbs 26:22"
  1. Amanda, keep telling the truth. Anyone seeking after the Lord with all their heart and mind, will receive this with love and know that it is the truth! We need more truth and less gossip! :-) ~Garie

  2. Hi Amanda,
    This is, Bethany, your cousins, Anna and Ellie Taylor's friend. This was a very good post. We do indeed gossip under the guise of "sharing information" when it really isn't. I do not hate you for posting this. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
    In Christ,


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