Sunday, September 16

fall, glorious fall!


I have to say, that even though I love the fall season, it came rather abruptly this year. 
Actually, the last three summers it has felt like it came too soon.  Usually I am ready for the change.  But the last three summers have brought us a new baby each June, and it makes the rest of the summer zoom by at record speed as we are all getting used to the change in family dynamics and are hunkering down more at home. 
I finally feel like I've come out of the newborn baby fog.  Though full of sweet and precious moments I never want to forget, it was also full of it's fair share of challenges.  Emmalie is three months old now, and I finally feel like I have my bearings.  I feel like sewing again (thought I haven't attempted anything yet) and our school year is off to an encouraging start.  But summer is truly over for us, and I'm determined to be content in whatever season I'm in, both in weather and in life. 
Fall is here, and there are so many reasons to love it.  The apples pictured above are literally falling off our apple trees.  They are larger this year, and not as tart as in years past. 
The leaves are falling, but the flowers up our front walk are still looking as summery as ever. 
It is time to pull out warmer jackets, hoodies, and sweaters.  Oh, I love this coat!  It's so me. 
I love books about fall,  pumpkin spice candles, the changing colors,  a warm mug of tea (or coffee, but I can't have that at the moment), harvesting carrots, apples, and the rest of the fall produce. 

I love the routine that fall brings back to our lives.  I love seeing this take place on a school morning.  A bright and glorious fall morning. 


3 comments on "fall, glorious fall!"
  1. Love that last picture of all of your kids!

  2. Hey! I enjoy your blog and was just wondering if you ever finished that baby quilt (with the bright, fun fabrics)? Would you mind showing it in a post?


    1. Hi Nancy - the quilt is not yet finished! I began machine quilting the layers together a couple months before Emmalie was born, then I became completely unmotivated to sew and just caught the sewing bug again... it is my main to-do project, but is also intimidating since I've never made a quilt like this!

      I'm an excited to finish it, and will post a picture when it's done. :) Good memory!


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