Tuesday, February 12

sweet relief

About a year ago I stood in the pacifier aisle at the store when I was largely pregnant, pondering which kind I would buy.  I found one that was cute, new on the market and small enough for a newborn.  We definitely didn't want her totally addicted to it, but thought it'd be nice for car rides, church, and other moments when a happy baby would be nice!  But she would. not. take. it. 
She always spit it out immediately.

Until now, at 7 months!  She had been super fussy for days, a couple weeks back - and at my whits end dug out a pacifier for her, and hooray - she LOVED it.  And she has never turned back!  But the cool thing about it, is that she doesn't care if she has it or not, but when she's fussy, she takes right to it.  And it calms her down - exactly what we were hoping for! 

Plus, she's just adorable with her paci. 

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