Sunday, June 10

some favorites before her arrival

Before baby arrives any day now, I thought it'd be good to finish downloading the rest of my favorite photos of summer so far before my posts are taken over by everything baby!

Most of the photos don't need any explanation, but the following one does.

Gabi and Levi wandered unknowingly into the sprinkler the older kids were playing in the other day...  they were not so happy with the results.  Here, Gabi screams her ever-lovin' head off while she comforts a stunned Levi.  It captures their personalities so perfectly. 

3 comments on "some favorites before her arrival"
  1. Ok I love your kids to death and can't wait to see the seventh one :) She will be just as sweet as the others.

  2. These are precious! I can see why you love these pictures. I laughed out loud when I saw the one of Gabi. As you're fully aware of {now that you've spent some time with us} this completely reminds me of what Reese would do!! haha!!

  3. AnonymousJune 11, 2012

    Dear Amanda,
    The pictures are awesome as always! The ones of Gabi and Levi are priceless. They might be good ones to pull out when they are at each other later on down the road, just to remind them that they DO love one another. I love the one of Levi laying on the couch, and the one of Gabi with her rubber boots on. The one of Gabi in her bathing suit is adorable! The older kids are looking so grown up too. Keep us all posted on Baby's progress. I will be praying. Thanks for sharing.
    In Christ,


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