I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving.
Psalm 69:30
Again this year, we spent Thanksgiving Day at my in-law's new home. Last year at this time, they were just getting settled into their new home after the loss of their home of over 30 years to fire. Also, last year at this time, we announced the news of my pregnancy to our kids and family!
It was a relaxing evening, with lots of laughs and love to go around.
I am always so thankful when we're all together for one Thanksgiving dinner, and this year was one of those times! My Dad and Stepmom were there as well, it's so wonderful to have loved ones all under one roof. We were also extremely thankful to be healthy again just in time to attend.
We have wonderful family living close to us.
What a huge blessing they are to us.
5 month old cutie and her mama
Jeremy's Mom, Anita, on the left, and Marla Kay on the right, being turkeys in the kitchen.
Several times that night, the boys were plopped on the couch reading. I love how these boys devour books.
My Dad, Lou, volunteering for dish duty after dinner.
Levi having some fun with the Grandmas!
Grandpa David and the youngest grandchild...
I wrote a blog post on Thanksgiving Day that shares more of my heart on the subject.
We have had the most amazing sunrises lately, this is the view from the back of our house out the kitchen window. I am thankful each day to wake up to it. This one was over Thanksgiving weekend... God is so creative and good to us!
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, however it was spent.

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