Tuesday, June 4

I refuse.

I refuse to stuff the dreams God has given me deep down where no one can see.  Because I'd be ignoring His voice.

I refuse to compare myself to the creative work God has done in creating the others around me.  Because He was mighty creative with me too.

I refuse to be cranky with my kids.  Because that's the easy way out. 

I refuse to believe the lie that I'm not good enough.  Because He makes me able.

I refuse to resort to selfishness when things get hard.  Because fighting for relationships is worth it. 

I refuse to be a wife that manipulates to get what I want.  Because being dishonest is not a way to live.

I refuse to let jealousy reign in my friendships.  Because God made us for relationships.  Lots of them. 

I refuse to feel bogged down and overwhelmed.  Because saying "no" to the overwhelming is what's really good for you sometimes.

I refuse to expect perfection from those around me.  Because they definitely don't get perfection from me. 

I refuse. 


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