Saturday, May 10

The Masterpiece Mom blog and podcast have launched!

You guys, it's here!

The Masterpiece Mom website and podcast has gone live! My dear friend Anne-Renee and I have been formulating messages for moms for years. Some in the corner of coffee shops. Some at each other's kitchen table. And some as we've lead moms in ministry. And now all these years later, we're formulating messages for you. Through the blog and podcast, we hope to encourage the hearts of moms everywhere.

Care to pop over and have a look?

We're doing our best to get the word out, but we're also in need of a little (a lotta) help from our friends! If you feel compelled, we'd appreciate you telling your friends, liking our Facebook page, and subscribing to the podcast on iTunes!

P.S. Episode 1 is up and can be listened to by following the link above!

Thanks, everyone!! The support has been overwhelming.


P.S.S. Even though this new venture has launched, I'll still be here writing in this space. I hope you stick around. :)

1 comment on "The Masterpiece Mom blog and podcast have launched!"
  1. Congratulations on your new blog - may God continue to bless you richly. See you at SheSpeaks2014!!


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