I never thought Day 31 would actually arrive. Already by day two (or was it day one), of this month-long series, I seriously wondered what I'd gotten myself into. I had no idea how this was going to play out, or if anybody would actually read it.
Would I be the first person to jump ship part way through? I was thinking yes.
Looking back, I don't know how it all got written. Well, actually, I do know. The Spirit of God works mightily among His people! He displayed that to me numerous times in this process.
Some posts were written in the afternoon during naptime, and some days were so full, I didn't sit down to write until 9:00, 10:00, or 11:00 p.m (like now, as I wrap up what was started earlier). There were also days when Jeremy suggested I go to my room and write during dinner. I loved those days.
Hitting publish became a victory won each and every time.
Each new day was met with a blank slate. I didn't have any sort of plan. There was no outline telling me which Bible verses I'd highlight in which day's post, and what story or thought I'd use to illustrate it. There was just me, my laptop, a Bible, and a prayer.
One night, I was so exhausted that bailing out seemed to be way more plausible than thinking of one more thing to write about. I leaned my head back into the couch, and asked God with a sigh,
"What in the world do I write?"
Immediately, the words "fix your eyes" came to mind. This phrase was a direct lifeline from God, there was no denying that. I smiled and set my fingers to clacking, writing THIS post.
Then there was the day my ever-silly 5 year-old told me I should write about a chicken. And I did.
I've listened to sermons, read commentaries and books, and talked to the people in my life to gain ideas. But most of the material came straight out of my life.
I wrote about funky moods, intruders at the breakfast table, and why we need to share our struggles. I also wrote about people in the Bible such as Gideon, Jesus, and Peter. This is something I'd wanted to do more of, but the needed brainpower to do so wasn't always available.
I've enjoyed it. Truly I have. Though I may or may not throw a party tonight, and stay away from my blog for days on end. Or maybe just until November starts.
I hope you've enjoyed reading along as well.
Just so you know, I had you in mind as I was writing.
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How about I leave you with one final verse to close out the series?
This morning, I flipped open my Bible in the mood to read in the Psalms. Psalm 19:1 was fresh on my heart, and I wanted to remember what the rest of the section was about, so I turned there.
As I got to the end, I came to this familiar verse:
Psalm 19:14
14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in your sight,
O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.
be acceptable in your sight,
O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.
I desire that for my life, don't you? This is a wonderful prayer to pray as you begin a new day, after you've screwed up, or anytime you want to get your heart headed in the right direction.
Will you pray this with me in closing?
May the words we speak and things we think on, be what you desire from us, God -- you are our steady place and have purchased our life back from the pit by taking our place on the cross. Thank you. Thank you.

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